Thursday, June 14, 2012


This summer I'm not really doing a lot of things, but the things that I am doing I am super excited for. My very best friend is supposed to be coming up to stay with us for a while, and if you followed my last blog you probably know that I love her very much. I have missed the crap out of her and now she's finally coming back to stay for a bit and I'm crazy excited. I swear I actually ran around squealing with happiness when we found out she could come, because I'm just that much of a loser with no other friends and I just absolutely love her. Another thing that I'm doing is going to Missouri. I love love love going back to Missouri, I am a Mizzou girl, I have a lot of family there, and I miss seeing all my friends up there. On the family thing my uncle's wife just had their first child and so I get to see and all that great stuff with the new little mini me to the family, also my aunt is graduating so we'll also be going to that when we're there. My father and brother are actually going back to San Antonio to fix up our rental house so it'll just be my mother and myself driving which should be fun, right? The biggest thing that I am extremely excited for and I almost pee my pants when I think of this because I just love the idea of it is Seeing my old friends. Ohmigod I just love them to death I write this with a giant smile on my face. I know some of the biggest goofs you will ever meet in Blue Springs Missouri, and I just love them to death. There is not much more that I have to say for that. I just love them, miss them, and can't wait to see them. I've had some crazy summer adventures with them and I can't wait to have some more.

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