Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Few Confessions.

#1. I do this really weird thing where anytime I stick my tongue out or do a peace sign pose thing I close one of my eyes if I do not close both. I honestly have no idea why I do this it just happens and it's mostly just one eye and rarely is both of them..
#2. I have a real problem with cats. It's not a bad problem, but it's probably not the best either. I wouldn't say I'm obsessed but I really love cats. If you have a cat it's going to be receiving the cuddlings from the Karina, and I honestly have no idea why I love cats so much. I'm not crazy like I have cat object everywhere or anything, but I just adore cats, and they're cute, and they're fluffy, and hey what's not to love about cats? Unless you're allergic to them then you have a reason not to like them..but other than that yeah I really like cats
#3. I am a pretty advocated gamer, which I am going to write a post about rather soon so stick to it
#4. I am rather small. I am only 5'1, I'm not expected to grow any taller, I'm already taller than my mother who is just 5' or 5'0 whatever, and I have pretty much no more growing to do so yeah I'm short. I'm not only small height wise but I'm also small in many other forms; I have kinda small feet, I do have small hands, my ears are quite little themselves, my boobies are most defiantly not the biggest and will never B (lol Bcup inside joke), and just yeah I'm tiny. Here's the confession part- I actually really like it, it's fun being small, and there's a slight extra little feeling of always being cute even at your worse times because you're small and no one can take that from you. Learn to love your flaws, no?
#5. I have an obsession with even numbers I like everything to be even in the ways of quantity and having something. It just bugs me when something can be even but it's not like I'll take it if I have to but yeah. The weird part is that my favorite number and lucky number is actually 7 so I'm kind of a giant contraction to myself, so don't listen to me.
#6. I sleep a lot. I'm not sure why exactly, but I do sleep a lot and I'm slightly always tired. If I'm not tired then I'm just off the wall wide awake and slightly hyper, but if I'm not that I am tired and rather sluggish. I could sleep all day and I actually have once or twice..But I'm more of a nocturnal person I love the night I don't know why but it just makes everything more exciting, but I do love the feeling of nice sunshine so I don't know. Like I said I contradict myself a lot
#7. Thanks to some friends I am now pretty much obsessed with German and pretty much everything Germany. I'm pretty sure it annoys them because now I'm mixing into a lot of things but it seriously interests me. I'm not too sure why it does either, there's just something about it, the way the language sounds, and it fascinates me. Yeah I have a new German obsession but I have been interested with the whole Europe idea for a while now and I guess Germany just goes deeper into that
#8. I say "Yeah" a lot if you haven't noticed it's pretty much my go to word. Some people say "Um" some people say other things, but I for one say "Yeah" so yeah
#9. I'm scared of the sound of flushing public toilets..This is really weird I know but it honestly creeps me the heck out, I've just never like it, and I cover my ears when I do flush them..UGH I just don't like it and the thought of it. It creeps me out and I always think of like something scary popping out from under the stall or something and I just don't like public toilets.
#10. Finally my last random confession and I'm not sure what to do it on..So I guess my confession is I did not think this through and plan out what to say, lol?

1 comment:

  1. As i read the part about cats (Im allergic to cats and still love them \m/) My cat walked up behin me and started playing with my hair
