Sunday, July 1, 2012


 I wouldn't say I'm the actual Gamer stereotype if you want that please visit my brother were video games are his complete forte. I do play a few computer games that you have to download and shat, I'm not those stupid girls that get on those online website type games. Not at all I play MMO's and all that great stuff, I'm in love with my PlayStation2 and my DS. I know the last one is a little lame but I do adore my Pokemon, and PlayStation2 because I like really simple games all that Modern Warfare games are just no. I'm an oldies person when it comes to actual consoles like Xbox and everything, I do like Battlefield 3 though which is pretty much a one time thing with military stuff themed games, for Xbox games I like ones with stories or history to them like FableII and Assassin's Creed, and one that I like to just goof off for is Borderlands I think it's the little robot guy that goes everywhere I love him. I say I like simple games because I do not like the more modern controllers I can not stand the Xbox controller at all it's just really big and bulky and I don't like it and so instead of that I stick with my simple ps2. Plus I have rather small hands because I am a rather small person so it just doesn't work well. For computer games I honestly haven't been playing them as much lately. I used to play them a lot as in nonstop and I just stopped I don't even know why, but I still play them every now and then. I play Maple Story, and this one actually I play it more on Xbox which is Minecraft, I've been playing this one since I was like 10 and it's kinda like WOW but I prefer this one over WOW I don't know why I guess some things in WOW are cool but this game called CABAL just wins me over, there are honestly a poop ton more but those are the only ones I can think of. My DS is more of my kid-ish play around games Pokemon is one of my tops and you'll catch me playing it a lot of the time but it's actually not my favorite. I love love love the Professor Layton game series, call me a dork but part movie part game part freaking amazing and you have me. I have almost all the games I think I'm not sure it's kind of hard to keep track of their games, never know if they're 5 or 10 or 20, but I do have Unwound Future, the Curious Village, and the Diabolical Box and they all are just amazing. But yeah that's pretty much all for my DS Pokemon and Layton. Now for PlayStation2 we actually just recently just refound it and it works beautifully, but when we first had this, boy did I play it like it was going out of style. I can't tell you what I did play because I was really young and so I don't remember them at all. I'd just pop one in and boom instant entertainment for the 6-9 year old Karina, but I did remember one which are the ones I play to death now, Ratchet and Clank. God do I love those games, they are one of my absolute favorites and I also slightly remember some kind of street racing game I'm not sure on that one thought so don't hold me to that one. Again I love the simplicity of the PlayStation2. Honestly I don't think a game needs the world's best graphics to be the best and your favorite, which brings me to another point but that is another sentence after I finish this one, as long as you have fun and you love it it'll be okay if it doesn't. That point I was talking about is, something I'm going to get a lot of crap about, but Xbox live with games like Call of Duty or something like that I don't do Xbox often so don't blame me. You have these great graphics, but I've heard my brother cursing and yelling into his mic. All you're doing is watching other guys kick your butts in better quality, and I don't know about you but if that was going to happen I rather it not be as clear, yanno? And one last final this is sorta back to old games. My grandpa has an old Nintendo 64 and I love the crap out of that system and the games he has, and let me tell you this, he has all the good ones. Mario, Donky Kong, Tetris, you name it he has it, but yeah that's me and my gaming. Bye~

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