Sunday, July 1, 2012


 I wouldn't say I'm the actual Gamer stereotype if you want that please visit my brother were video games are his complete forte. I do play a few computer games that you have to download and shat, I'm not those stupid girls that get on those online website type games. Not at all I play MMO's and all that great stuff, I'm in love with my PlayStation2 and my DS. I know the last one is a little lame but I do adore my Pokemon, and PlayStation2 because I like really simple games all that Modern Warfare games are just no. I'm an oldies person when it comes to actual consoles like Xbox and everything, I do like Battlefield 3 though which is pretty much a one time thing with military stuff themed games, for Xbox games I like ones with stories or history to them like FableII and Assassin's Creed, and one that I like to just goof off for is Borderlands I think it's the little robot guy that goes everywhere I love him. I say I like simple games because I do not like the more modern controllers I can not stand the Xbox controller at all it's just really big and bulky and I don't like it and so instead of that I stick with my simple ps2. Plus I have rather small hands because I am a rather small person so it just doesn't work well. For computer games I honestly haven't been playing them as much lately. I used to play them a lot as in nonstop and I just stopped I don't even know why, but I still play them every now and then. I play Maple Story, and this one actually I play it more on Xbox which is Minecraft, I've been playing this one since I was like 10 and it's kinda like WOW but I prefer this one over WOW I don't know why I guess some things in WOW are cool but this game called CABAL just wins me over, there are honestly a poop ton more but those are the only ones I can think of. My DS is more of my kid-ish play around games Pokemon is one of my tops and you'll catch me playing it a lot of the time but it's actually not my favorite. I love love love the Professor Layton game series, call me a dork but part movie part game part freaking amazing and you have me. I have almost all the games I think I'm not sure it's kind of hard to keep track of their games, never know if they're 5 or 10 or 20, but I do have Unwound Future, the Curious Village, and the Diabolical Box and they all are just amazing. But yeah that's pretty much all for my DS Pokemon and Layton. Now for PlayStation2 we actually just recently just refound it and it works beautifully, but when we first had this, boy did I play it like it was going out of style. I can't tell you what I did play because I was really young and so I don't remember them at all. I'd just pop one in and boom instant entertainment for the 6-9 year old Karina, but I did remember one which are the ones I play to death now, Ratchet and Clank. God do I love those games, they are one of my absolute favorites and I also slightly remember some kind of street racing game I'm not sure on that one thought so don't hold me to that one. Again I love the simplicity of the PlayStation2. Honestly I don't think a game needs the world's best graphics to be the best and your favorite, which brings me to another point but that is another sentence after I finish this one, as long as you have fun and you love it it'll be okay if it doesn't. That point I was talking about is, something I'm going to get a lot of crap about, but Xbox live with games like Call of Duty or something like that I don't do Xbox often so don't blame me. You have these great graphics, but I've heard my brother cursing and yelling into his mic. All you're doing is watching other guys kick your butts in better quality, and I don't know about you but if that was going to happen I rather it not be as clear, yanno? And one last final this is sorta back to old games. My grandpa has an old Nintendo 64 and I love the crap out of that system and the games he has, and let me tell you this, he has all the good ones. Mario, Donky Kong, Tetris, you name it he has it, but yeah that's me and my gaming. Bye~

Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Few Confessions.

#1. I do this really weird thing where anytime I stick my tongue out or do a peace sign pose thing I close one of my eyes if I do not close both. I honestly have no idea why I do this it just happens and it's mostly just one eye and rarely is both of them..
#2. I have a real problem with cats. It's not a bad problem, but it's probably not the best either. I wouldn't say I'm obsessed but I really love cats. If you have a cat it's going to be receiving the cuddlings from the Karina, and I honestly have no idea why I love cats so much. I'm not crazy like I have cat object everywhere or anything, but I just adore cats, and they're cute, and they're fluffy, and hey what's not to love about cats? Unless you're allergic to them then you have a reason not to like them..but other than that yeah I really like cats
#3. I am a pretty advocated gamer, which I am going to write a post about rather soon so stick to it
#4. I am rather small. I am only 5'1, I'm not expected to grow any taller, I'm already taller than my mother who is just 5' or 5'0 whatever, and I have pretty much no more growing to do so yeah I'm short. I'm not only small height wise but I'm also small in many other forms; I have kinda small feet, I do have small hands, my ears are quite little themselves, my boobies are most defiantly not the biggest and will never B (lol Bcup inside joke), and just yeah I'm tiny. Here's the confession part- I actually really like it, it's fun being small, and there's a slight extra little feeling of always being cute even at your worse times because you're small and no one can take that from you. Learn to love your flaws, no?
#5. I have an obsession with even numbers I like everything to be even in the ways of quantity and having something. It just bugs me when something can be even but it's not like I'll take it if I have to but yeah. The weird part is that my favorite number and lucky number is actually 7 so I'm kind of a giant contraction to myself, so don't listen to me.
#6. I sleep a lot. I'm not sure why exactly, but I do sleep a lot and I'm slightly always tired. If I'm not tired then I'm just off the wall wide awake and slightly hyper, but if I'm not that I am tired and rather sluggish. I could sleep all day and I actually have once or twice..But I'm more of a nocturnal person I love the night I don't know why but it just makes everything more exciting, but I do love the feeling of nice sunshine so I don't know. Like I said I contradict myself a lot
#7. Thanks to some friends I am now pretty much obsessed with German and pretty much everything Germany. I'm pretty sure it annoys them because now I'm mixing into a lot of things but it seriously interests me. I'm not too sure why it does either, there's just something about it, the way the language sounds, and it fascinates me. Yeah I have a new German obsession but I have been interested with the whole Europe idea for a while now and I guess Germany just goes deeper into that
#8. I say "Yeah" a lot if you haven't noticed it's pretty much my go to word. Some people say "Um" some people say other things, but I for one say "Yeah" so yeah
#9. I'm scared of the sound of flushing public toilets..This is really weird I know but it honestly creeps me the heck out, I've just never like it, and I cover my ears when I do flush them..UGH I just don't like it and the thought of it. It creeps me out and I always think of like something scary popping out from under the stall or something and I just don't like public toilets.
#10. Finally my last random confession and I'm not sure what to do it on..So I guess my confession is I did not think this through and plan out what to say, lol?

Thursday, June 14, 2012


This summer I'm not really doing a lot of things, but the things that I am doing I am super excited for. My very best friend is supposed to be coming up to stay with us for a while, and if you followed my last blog you probably know that I love her very much. I have missed the crap out of her and now she's finally coming back to stay for a bit and I'm crazy excited. I swear I actually ran around squealing with happiness when we found out she could come, because I'm just that much of a loser with no other friends and I just absolutely love her. Another thing that I'm doing is going to Missouri. I love love love going back to Missouri, I am a Mizzou girl, I have a lot of family there, and I miss seeing all my friends up there. On the family thing my uncle's wife just had their first child and so I get to see and all that great stuff with the new little mini me to the family, also my aunt is graduating so we'll also be going to that when we're there. My father and brother are actually going back to San Antonio to fix up our rental house so it'll just be my mother and myself driving which should be fun, right? The biggest thing that I am extremely excited for and I almost pee my pants when I think of this because I just love the idea of it is Seeing my old friends. Ohmigod I just love them to death I write this with a giant smile on my face. I know some of the biggest goofs you will ever meet in Blue Springs Missouri, and I just love them to death. There is not much more that I have to say for that. I just love them, miss them, and can't wait to see them. I've had some crazy summer adventures with them and I can't wait to have some more.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Random Summer Rambles.

The first week of summer is officially over! Yay? It's been a week and I still have yet to accomplish something..Well anyway yeah, summer~ I have another two months maybe I can get something actually done. So far it's been just being with friends and having a good time, but it shall be getting serious soon! I have to read a 500 page book which will probably be read in about two days..Just to show how lazy I am haven't even read twenty pages yet..But yeah and then I gotta write like 20,983,470,931,847 million essays and outlines on it so yeah that part is gonna take me a while...UGH KARINA NO GUSTA.  I have to do it anyway:/ Yeah I'm just randomly rambling on now..You guys probably just love this stuff. Anyway yeah I just thought I'd write something today it's not like I have any viewers or anything..KJHGFHsdkf Love you gauies, bai<3
Have a great day~

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Okay for the last few days I have had no inspiration for blog writing and so I'ma just tell you people what I've been up to. Let's see you guys know I went to the lake the other day, but other than that what have I been doing? Stalking. Yes that's right I said it, stalking. What kind of stalking? Oh just the best most exciting kind of stalking ever! Musical people stalking!~ Obviously I have no life so what is there better for me to do? Other than my summer assignment..Lately I've just been kinda organizing my music I think if that's what you want to call it. You guy should know I love my music very, very, very, very much and so keeping up with it sometimes causes me to have to do a bit of stalking. Let's face it no one knows every single song written by their favorite 35 artist/bands. It's impossible and the fact that I use about 10 different music providers makes it even worse. I use things like Groove Shark, Youtube, Pandora, and just a heck of a lot more providers and on each one, minus Pandora, I have a playlist for each band and or artist I like. That happens to be a lot of songs, covers, and a bunch of other fooligan things. For looking all these things up I just go to Wikipedia and do a bit of stalking, and yes this is where the stalking topic comes in. I found this amazing and I found it like a year ago and a lot of people probably already know about this already, but I don't care I'ma still say it. If you find a blue highlighted album in that long thing of possibly accurate information you can click it and it'll go to a page that has all the songs of that album in order. Also you sometimes have to scroll down a bit, unless it's a rather short album, but you know that box thing on the right, right? It'll give you a list of all their albums, which will or should be highlighted as well, and then you can go and get the list of songs on those albums also. I just use it as a cheat sheet on what songs to look up to add and to make sure I have all of them. But anyway that's what I've been doing for like the last three days, because I have a lot of music to do and fix and stuff, and yeah my life is just really boring right now. I have nothing exciting to do and you guys are probably bored of me talking, so yeah bye~ I'ma try to do my summer assignment..Long butt book..Bye~~~

Sunday, May 27, 2012


One thing that is weird but I'm completely in love with, known as the world's biggest rodent, the Capybara. I don't know if it's the fact that they're incredibly cute or because they kind of remind me of real life Pokemon, but I really want one. One of these and a gray cat named Monday, and my life will be complete.♥

Baked Chips.

My favorite type of chips ever are those new baked chips instead of the fried ones, and no it's not because they're healthier and are better for you even though you probably shouldn't be eating chips at all. To me they taste a heck of a whole lot better. I normally don't like many chips, but because these chips are baked they have this sweeter undertone and I just love it. One of my most disliked flavor of chip is barbecue, and these chips in that flavor are actually one of my favorites. Anyway I just found these chips so amazing enough to write a blog because I enjoy eating when I'm bored and I do have to say I just probably ate more than half a bag of this kind of chips. Beware, I will eat your house down.
Karina c: