Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Okay for the last few days I have had no inspiration for blog writing and so I'ma just tell you people what I've been up to. Let's see you guys know I went to the lake the other day, but other than that what have I been doing? Stalking. Yes that's right I said it, stalking. What kind of stalking? Oh just the best most exciting kind of stalking ever! Musical people stalking!~ Obviously I have no life so what is there better for me to do? Other than my summer assignment..Lately I've just been kinda organizing my music I think if that's what you want to call it. You guy should know I love my music very, very, very, very much and so keeping up with it sometimes causes me to have to do a bit of stalking. Let's face it no one knows every single song written by their favorite 35 artist/bands. It's impossible and the fact that I use about 10 different music providers makes it even worse. I use things like Groove Shark, Youtube, Pandora, and just a heck of a lot more providers and on each one, minus Pandora, I have a playlist for each band and or artist I like. That happens to be a lot of songs, covers, and a bunch of other fooligan things. For looking all these things up I just go to Wikipedia and do a bit of stalking, and yes this is where the stalking topic comes in. I found this amazing and I found it like a year ago and a lot of people probably already know about this already, but I don't care I'ma still say it. If you find a blue highlighted album in that long thing of possibly accurate information you can click it and it'll go to a page that has all the songs of that album in order. Also you sometimes have to scroll down a bit, unless it's a rather short album, but you know that box thing on the right, right? It'll give you a list of all their albums, which will or should be highlighted as well, and then you can go and get the list of songs on those albums also. I just use it as a cheat sheet on what songs to look up to add and to make sure I have all of them. But anyway that's what I've been doing for like the last three days, because I have a lot of music to do and fix and stuff, and yeah my life is just really boring right now. I have nothing exciting to do and you guys are probably bored of me talking, so yeah bye~ I'ma try to do my summer assignment..Long butt book..Bye~~~

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