Thursday, May 17, 2012


This here post today is going to be about the term, the use, and my opinion on the term "Gay." Yes I know there's a big controversy on the whole gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender community thing, but I'm going to talk about it anyway. First off the current use of the word "gay" that I hear is getting on my nerves. People use it as a synonym for something stupid, or ridiculous when really it means nothing of that general topic. Mr. says that the term gay means to be happy or that of or pertaining to homosexuality, and not stupid. There is no such thing as the "stupid" gay, or the "lame" gay. This word means two things and two things only, happy and homosexual. I'm tired of people running around saying things like "Oh my god my phone is being gay, it's not sending this message." or "Man this game is so gay." Unless your game has a bunch of half naked guys on each other while you're shooting zombies then it's not gay, stop it. Jeez it's not that hard, and I personally think using that word in that way makes you seem uneducated. Come on really, is it that hard to search your vocabulary for a word that was actually created to mean what you meant to say? Second off I don't mind gay people, I am pro GLBT, and I support it. To me love is love and there's nothing wrong with that. There is no difference in a guy loving a guy, a girl loving a girl, a guy loving a girl, or anything in between. Love is something from the heart, well mostly it is and the heart knows no shape. It doesn't matter what color, gender,  ethnicity, or size you are love will find a way no matter what. So yeah I support gay people, and if you don't like all well. Don't be my friend, stop talking to me. I don't care as long as you don't go running around saying stuff about me cause I do I'm fine with it. I don't hate you for only believing in heterosexuality, so keep your comments to yourself. Another last thing is: Love is beautiful no matter who or what it's between.

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