Friday, May 18, 2012

Frozen Milk.

This blog is sort of like a blast from the past for me. I don't even know where I learned this or how I knew how to make these, but what I'm talking about is pretty much a milk popsicle. I remember when I was a kid I used to have these all the time during the summer or just any other time. I don't even know how as a kid I came across these, and I'm not sure but I might have even learned about them in Columbia, that or Grandma's house. Either one. I have a grandma in Columbia too, but anyway that's off topic I might write another blog on that sometime. I used to love these things and they're so simple to make. I swear you're probably like "Ew milk, that sounds disgusting." Trust me once you actually freeze milk it taste nothing like itself. All you gotta do to make these is pour some milk in a cup-a nonbreakable cup, add some sugar, stir, and pop into the freezer for a few, many, 4-6 hours I don't know. I've never timed making these, but you can definitely make them over night for the next day. Or maybe for a party, I don't know, have fun with it. They're delicious, and nutritious, they look really really cool to me. They're like a pretty snow white as if they'd be coconut flavored or something, but no they taste pretty much like nothing, yet they taste amazing. I think I'm more fascinated with the color of these things than I am the way they actually taste. Anyway it's all good we eat with our eyes, no? So that's my excitement for today; milk popsicles. Happy New Year.

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