Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Okay for the last few days I have had no inspiration for blog writing and so I'ma just tell you people what I've been up to. Let's see you guys know I went to the lake the other day, but other than that what have I been doing? Stalking. Yes that's right I said it, stalking. What kind of stalking? Oh just the best most exciting kind of stalking ever! Musical people stalking!~ Obviously I have no life so what is there better for me to do? Other than my summer assignment..Lately I've just been kinda organizing my music I think if that's what you want to call it. You guy should know I love my music very, very, very, very much and so keeping up with it sometimes causes me to have to do a bit of stalking. Let's face it no one knows every single song written by their favorite 35 artist/bands. It's impossible and the fact that I use about 10 different music providers makes it even worse. I use things like Groove Shark, Youtube, Pandora, and just a heck of a lot more providers and on each one, minus Pandora, I have a playlist for each band and or artist I like. That happens to be a lot of songs, covers, and a bunch of other fooligan things. For looking all these things up I just go to Wikipedia and do a bit of stalking, and yes this is where the stalking topic comes in. I found this amazing and I found it like a year ago and a lot of people probably already know about this already, but I don't care I'ma still say it. If you find a blue highlighted album in that long thing of possibly accurate information you can click it and it'll go to a page that has all the songs of that album in order. Also you sometimes have to scroll down a bit, unless it's a rather short album, but you know that box thing on the right, right? It'll give you a list of all their albums, which will or should be highlighted as well, and then you can go and get the list of songs on those albums also. I just use it as a cheat sheet on what songs to look up to add and to make sure I have all of them. But anyway that's what I've been doing for like the last three days, because I have a lot of music to do and fix and stuff, and yeah my life is just really boring right now. I have nothing exciting to do and you guys are probably bored of me talking, so yeah bye~ I'ma try to do my summer assignment..Long butt book..Bye~~~

Sunday, May 27, 2012


One thing that is weird but I'm completely in love with, known as the world's biggest rodent, the Capybara. I don't know if it's the fact that they're incredibly cute or because they kind of remind me of real life Pokemon, but I really want one. One of these and a gray cat named Monday, and my life will be complete.♥

Baked Chips.

My favorite type of chips ever are those new baked chips instead of the fried ones, and no it's not because they're healthier and are better for you even though you probably shouldn't be eating chips at all. To me they taste a heck of a whole lot better. I normally don't like many chips, but because these chips are baked they have this sweeter undertone and I just love it. One of my most disliked flavor of chip is barbecue, and these chips in that flavor are actually one of my favorites. Anyway I just found these chips so amazing enough to write a blog because I enjoy eating when I'm bored and I do have to say I just probably ate more than half a bag of this kind of chips. Beware, I will eat your house down.
Karina c:


In one of my last post I said I'd keep you guys updated or something of that standard, and obviously I have not been doing that. Sorry to all of those who I have lied to, but surprisingly recently I've had a life and have been really busy and kinda forgot to blog..But anyway! I'm blogging now and I actually had like two blogs I was working on and forgot to finish so I'll get those out soon. Something random for today- I went to the lake and it was great fun. The thing is I never burn. Never. But for some reason only my face does .-. So myself knowing this puts on a good 3-inch layer of sun screen on my face about eight different times, but my face still burns. Seems legit. My face kinda hurts, kinda doesn't. Well I'ma get those blogs out and then try to sleep on my face.  Good day.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Because it's just so sad, and they're just so cute. Lol this is just a random post for one of my good friend Alvin and an inside joke.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Today is officially the first day of my 2012 summer vacation~
and I love it. There's just something about summer I'm not too sure what it is yet, but it's amazing. Being out of school just gives this feeling of freedom and almost more responsibility. I love, love, love waking up with no one else home, all alone, chilling with my dog out on the back porch with the sun shining on us. It just feels so wonderful and honestly for me there is no true way to explain this. If you haven't seen the title of this blog I advise you to look there now. Misexplained, and I certainly do not know how to explain this one. But one thing I do know how to explain is the no life feeling of summer. We all know this, once school is out you feel like you have nothing to do with your time, that you have no friends, and you're just a lonely little hobbit. Currently right now I haven't begun to feel this sense of hobbitness because I just got out of school yesterday, but I'm sure I will. Sooner or later it shall happen but yeah for now I'm good. I know I will cause it's summer vacation and I have almost nothing planed. I only have one thing going on for sure and that is that my ultimate best friend is coming here to stay with me for about a week or two in June. Other than that I have no idea, but I'm still excited and I'll keep you guys posted. Until then have a nice summer!~ <3

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Poetry Corner, Alice.

I'm lost in my own wonderland

I just can't seem to stop falling through these rabbit holes

Over and over again "I'm too late, Oh dear I'm too late"

Dear Alice..

Frozen Milk.

This blog is sort of like a blast from the past for me. I don't even know where I learned this or how I knew how to make these, but what I'm talking about is pretty much a milk popsicle. I remember when I was a kid I used to have these all the time during the summer or just any other time. I don't even know how as a kid I came across these, and I'm not sure but I might have even learned about them in Columbia, that or Grandma's house. Either one. I have a grandma in Columbia too, but anyway that's off topic I might write another blog on that sometime. I used to love these things and they're so simple to make. I swear you're probably like "Ew milk, that sounds disgusting." Trust me once you actually freeze milk it taste nothing like itself. All you gotta do to make these is pour some milk in a cup-a nonbreakable cup, add some sugar, stir, and pop into the freezer for a few, many, 4-6 hours I don't know. I've never timed making these, but you can definitely make them over night for the next day. Or maybe for a party, I don't know, have fun with it. They're delicious, and nutritious, they look really really cool to me. They're like a pretty snow white as if they'd be coconut flavored or something, but no they taste pretty much like nothing, yet they taste amazing. I think I'm more fascinated with the color of these things than I am the way they actually taste. Anyway it's all good we eat with our eyes, no? So that's my excitement for today; milk popsicles. Happy New Year.

De Lion King!

THE LION KING MOVIES ARE MY MOST ABSOLUTE FAVORITE MOVIES EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!:3 This prompt was brought up by my friends who I believe are having who loves Karina the most contests because they both posted amazing things about the Lion King. Me friend Elizabeth; Biz and Silvia; Slivia . Check them out at those awesome links there. I have always loved loved loved the Lion King movies, and I still love them just as much now. Nala and Simba are cute, but gurl my thing is Kovu and Kiara. Obviously my favorite out of the three is Lion King II; Simba's Pride, and just to prove my freak obsession with the series here all the characters by memory but some of them I did have to look up how to spell;
Lion King;  Simba, Mufasa, Sarabi, Zazu, Nala, Sarafina, Ed, Scar, Banzai, Shenzi, Rafiki, Timon, and Pumbaa

Lion King II Simba's Pride;  Simba, Nala, Kiara, Kovu, Vitani, Zira, Nuka, Zazu, Rafiki, Timon, and Pumbaa plus 15 other random
voice actors for the other nameless lionesses in the two prides
Lion King 1 1/2; Timon, Pumbaa, Rafiki, Simba, Nala, Random hyenas that Simba attracts, Ma, Uncle Max, Banzai,
Shenzi, and Ed
I've got a lovely pair of coconuts~ Du-dum du-dum
P.S. I love the name Vitani, encase you wanted to know. Also Zira, and Kovu, and Kiara, and Nuka. LOLOLOL. I'm just a Lion King freak.<3 Good day~

19 Truths and 1 Lie.

1. I like cats.
2. I'm very insecure.
3. I'm a music maniac.
4. I think too much.
5. Sometimes I surround myself with the wrong people.
6. I hate, absolutely despise toes.
7. I love to be barefoot.
8. I'm a night owl who stays up late well into the morning, yet who can never sleep past 10:00a.m.
9. I like stretched ears, and I think they're beautiful.
10. I'm obsessed with Pokemon, and usually you can hear me yell out "Harderrier" when something frustrates me.
11. I have creepy stalker crushes on Vic Fuentes', Ronnie Radke's, Kellin Quinn's, and Oli Sykes' vioces. Not them, their voices.
12. My favorite color is neon green.
13. Sonny Moore is my only actual person wise obsession than over their music, yet I still love Skrillex. With your friends and Twin Atlantic for the win!
14. My mind is one of the most unusual things on the planet.
15. I want a capybara and a field mouse because they remind me of real life Pokemon, and because they're absolutely adorable.
16. I'm nice to anyone no matter what they've done in the past or what I've heard about them, as long as they haven't done anything wrong to me personally.
17. I believe in second chances..and third, and fifth, and eighth, and tenth..
18. I don't like to use the normal three dots. For some reason I use two instead of three.
19. I wear glasses.
20. I wear make-up.
Can you guess the lie?


I love art, and one of my favorite things to do is paint. I've done many paintings this year and I'm actually pretty good at it. I got my pop art painting of Sonny Moore, one of my favorite musicians, in an art allergy for last month and I am currently in the middle of doing a pop art version of Steve Jobs the apple guy for one of the teachers at my school. Paint is most defiantly one of my top favorite mediums in every type of paint, but water colors. Water colors I have yet to master and so when I try water colors it looks like one of the things I've done in second grade, but I still like to play and experiment with them. I'm not great but I can certainly come up with some pretty cool funky looking stuff. Art is one of my favorite hobbies and besides painting you can usually catch me doodling around some random little things. I have lots of styles, an I wouldn't say that I have one specific style of anything that I do. I do lots of pencil work also, and because of that one of the things that I really really hate is when teachers tell me I have to create a project and make it in color. I absolutely hate having to use colored pencils or markers or any other type of colored utensils. I only like paint if I have to use color, but you can't really go and use your fancy paints for a simple school assignment..well I guess you could but I don't like to. I can add a heck of lot more detail if something is in pencil verses colored, and going off of that I don't just do really extremely realistic drawings. I can and could if I wanted to, but I really like the simplicity of cartoon like drawings. Other styles I'm into are things like what are mostly referred to as "Manga" or "Anime" style of drawings, and I really like to do chibi drawings.

My Obsessions.

This here is just a few of my obsessions..Not all, just some. Any questions or comments- then there's a box under this very long list for that.
*Russell Brand
*Johnny Depp
*Bring Me The Horizon
*Ronnie Radke
*Ronnie Radke's voice
*My nails
*Worn bracelets
*My dog
*Field mice
*Red pandas
*Havanese dogs
*Gauged ears
*People with gauged ears
*Sleeping With Sirens
*A Day To Remember
*Jeremy McKinnon
*Don't Go- Bring Me The Horizon
*Silvia's elf ears
*Fairy tales
*Realistic Fantasy/Fairy Tale novels
*Anything Mythical
*Cristy Bell/ Cristy Cakes
*Things and smells of things that remind me of Columbia
*Clothes fresh out the dryer
*Tasteful underwear
*Spring time
*New beginnings
*Nail polish
*McDonald's Sweet Tea & French Fries
*Computer games
*Having no life
*The Spirit
*The Boondocks Saints I, II
*Trying to read people's minds
*Coot people
*Polar Bears
*Joseph Morgan is my recent obsession, and yes I do realize how creepy I am by admitting it.
*The color Electric Blue
*Biz's brother's Ash Katchum hat
*Realistic drawings of anime characters
*Sailor Moon
*My mother's Potato Salad
*The color of sound
*Dogs that look like Lion-Bears
*Miku Hastune- World is Mine

The Poetry Corner, The Gap.

He may not make me feel like me last
but at least he's not like that guy from the past

Real words from a real boy, I don't feel like I'm just a toy
Truth and Honesty is what is shared between us-

Learning even more each day I think he may be
Loving me for who I am, and not just so he can get his way

Lied to and deceived is all I'll ever be
I sit and wonder if he truly love me for me

The Gap, it closes


I am putting this up as a formal warning, because often times it seems like I get really off topic in my blogs. Sorry I am very scattered minded and my thought process is just really really weird. It may seem like I get somewhat off topic, but I really don't. Everything that I write is connected in some way it's just that some people can't see it so it was brought to my attention that I should make that clear. I'm weird, I'm crazy, and my thoughts are worse that's kinda why it's called "Karina's Mis Explained Thoughts". My blogs may seem like they go on forever, sorry, but I just have a lot to say. If I was actually speaking right now instead of you guys reading this it would seem like I'm just rambling on, which I kinda am and I know that. Anyway have fun reading my blogs, I'm trying to not write so much in just one blog. I've noticed they get really really long. Kind like now, so I'ma stop now. Okay bye. <3

The Poetry Corner.

Lately I have been running out of blogging ideas and so I just haven't been blogging as much obviously..But! I have been writing a lot of poems lately so i think I might start my own little mini series kinda on this here blog. It's not going to be my main thing I just really need something to blog. Some of them will have a small-ish introduction to them, I say "small-ish" because you guys know me, I never write anything small.. So anyway, yeah I'ma start doing those, an some of them won't have an introduction for secret reasons. But yeah Karina original poems coming soon! Look forward to that, maybe. The title thing to them will be called The Poetry Corner, and 'then entry poem title here'.

Nashlee Wrote This, And I Died.

Okay for all you people out there you have probably seen my post about my wonderful friend, Nashlee, well she wrote me a rather rather long thing on Facebook and I died when I read it. I'm sorry Nashlee you're gonna hate me for putting this up, but that's why I love you. And world this is why I love Nashlee... "Dear my loveable Karina, I really just feel like coming to your front door and going to sleep on your couch while listening to your mother talk, more like yell, to herself. I know that me moving has made it a lot harder to stay in touch, and that's what scares me the most. I'm afraid when I come back, we won't be the same. That's like the most terrifying thought ever o.o even scarerier than Miche...al Myers eating my foot. You know when i say everyone here sucks? Well, I'm really not exaggertating (I have no earthly idea how to spell that o.e). People here are just so cruel, they have no heart, feelings, kindness, or really any emtion towards others here. So, for me at least, It kills me knowing that for the first time in my life, I actually don't have friends, I'm not liked, and I never ever ever look forward to me waking up in the morning and getting on that dreadful fat bus that smells like dead fish with a hint of cinnamon. I just want to come back so bad, and for me, I have no idea why and what the purpose was of moving here. I still have my faith and blah blargg stuff about God will give us some kind of magical miracle or something like that, but ya know, I don't understand a lot of things, but this Sir right here, I really don't get -.- Sometimes I think about you forgetting about me and then the sight of my face you'd be like "eww who's that? o-O" But then I read that tribute thing and I'm like "Naww she loves mehh :'D". I wish we never moved here ._. I sometimes just wanna throw blow dryers at everyones faces at school because 1. They're face annoys me. 2. They're blonde. (like no joke everyone in my school is blonde) 3. They question my taste in music u-u. I wonder what the limit to typing is on facebook..
Well, i suppose that's it. I honestly don't even know why I wrote all this xD I'm pretty sure this is what i'd say to you if i was actually there, but yet again i wouldn't have to because I never would've moved here If i was there -_- You should make me a straw with a mustache. I got you're birthday present, I'll probably get you something else but i have to think about what else to get you c: I lovee you Karina♥ You really are the only person on this planet that gets me completley and doesn't give up on me, whenever i make a mistake you just act like "Oh well, it's nashlee, she does that kind of stuff..." Thank you for being the bestest friend ever and never getting tired of my unusual personalitly. Since I moved here, I've became kinda lame .___________. So, hopefully when i come back, my innerself with explode all over your face >:D Okie, Ima stop typing know because my eyes swollen and it's starting to twitch e.e I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BYEE. ♥ JKSBLJHFVWBSJDCFLjfl;wsrg"
Nashlee wrote that her whole self, yay for her :D Lol, but I love her. Yes I just used text language, Omg the world is going to end. This is what I love to see when I wake up at 8:30pm, the world's longest ever Facebook post. Ever. That I've read at least. I hope you guys have read this and understood why I love her so much. Words can not explain this one person she's just too crazy, and random, and just everywhere.

Halfway Deserted.

Remember that band/person I told you I couldn't remember that Joseph introduced me to? Well I do now:D It's called Halfway Deserted, and you can find this amazing artist on Fac-e-book. Link here->Magic I am curently listening to this person, and he just rocks my socks so go check him out.

Creepy Screen Saver-

This is the creepy screen saver that scared me..I kinda like it.


Okay last week was a kind of depressing week for blogging so I just didn't really blog anything. I'm feeling kind of better, for you that know of what happened I'm feeling better about the whole situation I've changed my views on it a bit and I'm much happy, so this week I shall put up a more happy blog. This blog is going to be on what really makes me happy, music. Yesterday I was talking to a  good friend of mine named Joseph, and he is a new artist, kinda. He just finished his demo and asked me for my musical views on it, because I'm totally magical in the music department. Well this made me think. I haven't been listening to music so much since the whole big Dany happening, and I've been kinda a downer..But! I got the idea to right this here blog today about my favorite music. Honestly it's better to ask me what music I don't like, I love everything. Except rap .-. That general genre kinda bothers me with an exception of a few good artist. And country, some country is good but most of it is just about beer and tractors. I like Red Solo Cup, that song is just mind blowing- I totally forgot who it was by, but that song~ Um a few of my favorite bands are bands like A Day To Remember, Pierce The Veil, Falling in Reverse, Bless the Fall, and others like that. That's just one considered genre for me I also like people like The Ready Set (I'm lame), He is We, the old NeverShoutNever with a few of his new ones, Joseph actually introduced me to this new guy yesterday and he was A-ma-zing but I forgot what he called himself..I'll find out later and re post it somewhere.. I like Matt and Kim, The Postal Service, Skrillex, Adele, (I'm trying to think I have like 145 different artist on my iPod, but I can't seems to remember just one) Adele plus dubstep it's amazing. Of course I like Joseph's music even though it needs a bit of work and experience, you should look him up. His first demo honestly isn't that great the lyrics and the music itself is good, but let's face it bro I love you but you need to work on them vocals and editing a bit. You might be able to find him on Facebook as Joseph Morgan but I'm not too sure about that, he's not very big at the moment. You'll know it's him because of his adorable face just chilling out with a guitar probably. Um this is going to sounds very weird, but I like J-Pop, or Jap-Pop. A lot of J-Pop (too much anime really gets you into it) Some of you might be able to figure out what J-Pop is just by that, but for you that don't it's just I don't really know. It's kind of bubbly some, up tempo, just very uplifting sometimes, and I just really like Japanese people's singing voices. There's something about them, they're very pure and clear and simple in a way. Like you have our American music and it's very loud and just in your face, Japanese not so much. I just like it. I can't believe I forgot these people, Bring Me The Horizon and LIGHTS. Bring Me The Horizon for one is amazing, you may hear it at first and be like "What? What is this sorcery??" But it's really meaningful my favorite song is Don't Go, and it's about this mentally disabled boy  that Oli grew up with and he was like a brother to him, but the boy got teased a lot and one day a group of bullies lead him into the woods and murdered him. It's quite sad and you can really hear how he feels in the song. LIGHTS herself for one is featured in that song and I think it fits perfectly..I just randomly minimized my screen and my screen saver creeped me out..Well anyway her music is amazing to, the stuff she makes by herself. Acoustic she's the female NeverShoutNever and when she's not she's OwlCity #2, which is another band I like. Well I think this is really going on for way too long. I'm a stop talking before you guys get tired of  watching me ramble on an on about music. Bye world, this is my blog on music, have fun crying your eyes out when you're overflowing with emotion because this terribly long blog is over.


This photo that I found on a funny picture website is for a friend of mine named Alvin. He himself has a blog, you should go check it out I find it quite interesting, here. He does lots of games, and Pokemon stuff which I myself am quite fond of, so yeah like like like. He been doing some awesome origami things for the past few weeks, I know this cause I'm a creepy stalker and he made me a samurai hat out of origami. I thought he'd like this, so here you go Alvin. Hope you like yourself some Yoda-Gami.

A Tribute For Nashlee.

I myself don't really have anyone to talk to besides one person who happens to be miles away.. I have great friends like Gage, Faith, and Silvia but she's really the only one that gets me like that. She's wonderful, pretty, a good listener, and smart- sometimes. But I still love her. Her name is Nash, Nashlee, or Nushlee and she needs to come back. I miss her and I need her almost as much as I need him. Sadly he is what I need to talk about with her right now, but we're just so far away. Both of us. He Germany, she Alabama. She get's me through things. Scratch that, everything. She makes me smile when life makes it hard to. If she disappeared.. Dear lordy I don't even know what I'd do. She's crazy, fun, caring, a food addict, and everything in between. She'll eat almost anything you give her (She prefers the junk food) and she'll never gain a pound, drives me nuts. There's not a single word to describe her she's just that amazing of a person. I swear I could spend my whole life with this girl, not like as lovers or anything.. That's another thing! We have the strangest relationship ever. It's like bestfriends, meet sisters, meets life partners. We'll try to kill each other sometimes, for fun, but we're always there for each other and we never truely fight. Gawd I make it sound like we're married sometimes, but it's true. She's glorious. End of story. Good bye people of the universe. My job here is done, I have told you about the wonders that is Nash. Have fun.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


This here post today is going to be about the term, the use, and my opinion on the term "Gay." Yes I know there's a big controversy on the whole gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender community thing, but I'm going to talk about it anyway. First off the current use of the word "gay" that I hear is getting on my nerves. People use it as a synonym for something stupid, or ridiculous when really it means nothing of that general topic. Mr. Dictionary.com says that the term gay means to be happy or that of or pertaining to homosexuality, and not stupid. There is no such thing as the "stupid" gay, or the "lame" gay. This word means two things and two things only, happy and homosexual. I'm tired of people running around saying things like "Oh my god my phone is being gay, it's not sending this message." or "Man this game is so gay." Unless your game has a bunch of half naked guys on each other while you're shooting zombies then it's not gay, stop it. Jeez it's not that hard, and I personally think using that word in that way makes you seem uneducated. Come on really, is it that hard to search your vocabulary for a word that was actually created to mean what you meant to say? Second off I don't mind gay people, I am pro GLBT, and I support it. To me love is love and there's nothing wrong with that. There is no difference in a guy loving a guy, a girl loving a girl, a guy loving a girl, or anything in between. Love is something from the heart, well mostly it is and the heart knows no shape. It doesn't matter what color, gender,  ethnicity, or size you are love will find a way no matter what. So yeah I support gay people, and if you don't like all well. Don't be my friend, stop talking to me. I don't care as long as you don't go running around saying stuff about me cause I do I'm fine with it. I don't hate you for only believing in heterosexuality, so keep your comments to yourself. Another last thing is: Love is beautiful no matter who or what it's between.

Monday, May 14, 2012

My Peter Pan Boots.

hese are my wonderful little peter pan boots. I thought it would be nice to give you guys a little insight of what I like to wear. Most people from school have never seen these lovely grey boots before, because at school and outside of school I'm sure we all dress quite differently. These boots are one of my favorite pair of shoes. They are a suede material in a deep, rich, almost coal grey. I found them at a little Payless Shoe store in Missouri, mine happen to be a size 7 but I'm sure they have them in a variety of sizes. I wear them often with one of my favorite sweaters that I got from GoodWill. Don't think that just because most of their stuff is old donated items that they have nothing good to offer. You can find many treasures in store like GoodWill and other stores like it. I call these my "Peter Pan Boots" because when you slip them on there's no hiding that you feel a little more adventurous.
These are the boots worn with a sweater of mine in my rather messy room.

Friday, May 11, 2012


I have done the math and so I shall now start putting out three blogs a week from my old blog onto this blog. I didn't want to go and just upload 20 new post at once, so I divided them up and yeah. New/old postings shall start this week and then continue on and what not.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Okay this is competely random, but right now I'm cooking, well boiling, potatos. This spiked something on in my head, because I've always thought of potatos as something a lonely, or poor person would cook. Kind of like a lonely soul, so right now I pretty much feel like I'm cooking for some lost soul...and then I start feeling creepy. So..um..yeah that's my thought on potatos. Have fun. Lol?


Hello world! Well this is a continuation of my first blog because after this school year my first blog that I have created, which is here if you want to check it out, will no longer be advalible for posting stuff and I've kinda gotten into this bloging thing a bit. So I am going to start posting blogs on this account as well as my main one until the end of school. I am also going to transfer all my old blogs back onto this one and so they'll be here for the reading in the future. I might choose to just do it all in one day I'm not sure yet, but I do know it'll happen so yeah. You can follow me on this blog also it keep watch of all my crazy stuff over the summer and what not over time. Have fun~